Pastor Weiss fills board seat
Published 12:57 am Thursday, March 30, 2006
By By RACHEAL BURNAU / Cassopolis Vigilant
CASSOPOLIS - The vacancy on the Cassopolis Board of Education was filled Monday, March 27, at the regular meeting of the Board, held at Ross Beatty Jr./Sr. High School.
The four candidates expressing interest in the position were each given five minutes to tell the board why they were interested and felt they were qualified for the position. Board members then cast their votes and the Rev. David Weiss was sworn into office.
Weiss, Pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church has been a member of the community for nine years, and has three children who are either currently, or have already been in the Cassopolis Public School System.
Weiss related his duties as a clergy-member to the role of the Board on issues such as confidentiality, criticism, and opinions vs. laws or policies.
Weiss went on to say, “The role of the school board is one of a team effort with the teachers and administration to give the students the best possible education you can with the resources that you have.
After recent publications of the Cassopolis Public Schools standardized test scores, concerns have been made as to the quality of education the students are receiving.
Earlier in the evening, a presentation was made to the Board in regards to a pilot program being tested at the high school that will enable students to be graded on what they have mastered rather than what was taught.
The program focuses on benchmarks and the retention of material, enabling each student to clearly see the standards being set and then be given a game plan for how to reach them.
Weiss made reference to the presentation, saying “I would like to be part of a school board that is moving forward and looking for new ways to help students.”
Weiss concluded his message by saying, “I would like to be on the board for the simple fact that I am concerned. I care about the students in this community, and I care about this community, otherwise I wouldn't live here and be actively involved and send my kids to school here.”
After taking his Oath of Office, Weiss shook hands with Superintendent Greg Weatherspoon, and immediately took his place on the board for the duration of the meeting.