Eagle Scout rank reached by Brandywine senior

Published 12:41 am Tuesday, March 14, 2006

By Staff
NILES - Michael Price from Brandywine Troop 550, a Brandywine High School senior, has received his Eagle Scout rank.
He began in Cub Scouts in the first grade and has continued throughout the years working to the top rank of Eagle Scout. While in Cub Scouts he earned the Arrow of Light award, advancing into Boy Scouts and being inducted into the scout honor society: Order of the Arrow-Brotherhood.
While in scouting he earned 33 Merit badges, the World Conservation badge and the snorkeling and mile swim awards.
For his Eagle Scout project he with the help of his troop and a great deal of help from his grandfather Don Yoder, put in a new Little League baseball practice field. This is located at the church that sponsors the troop: Trinity United Methodist Church.
The original practice field site had trees growing into the backstop area and there was little or no base path for the players to run on. The area was also located next to the parking lot so any foul balls would almost certainly hit the parked cars.
Now there is a new larger backstop for better protection of the team. A baseline path was dug out with the use of a Bobcat owned by one of the leaders in the troop, making for a safer trip around the bases for the players. The field was moved away from the parking area.
In all, a total of more than 60 hours of planning, designing and performing the work went into the new field, as well as removing the old backstop and overgrowth that had taken over the previous practice field.
This accomplishment was acknowledged with a ceremony at the church on Monday, Feb. 6, where five of the troops former Eagle Scouts also attended.
Michael plans on attending Lake Michigan College then transferring to a four year college to hopefully study dentistry. He is the son of Laurie and Alan Price of Elizabeth Street, Niles.