When I was with the Rotary in Japan for a visit about seven years ago, I was there during the boys’ day celebration.

Published 11:41 pm Wednesday, March 8, 2006

By Staff
At the houses I stayed, beautiful colorful kites were hung outside to celebrate their sons and grandsons.
I thought it was a lovely tradition. They also took me to a house where a display of dolls were set up on steps inside the house, something which the parents in that home did in honor of girls' day.
Each year the children enjoy their special day and know they are valued.
With Mothers and Fathers each having a day set aside and even grandparents, I have heard complaints that there is no day for children here in America.
In the middle of March, which is Parenting Awareness Month, there is a day set aside as Absolutely Incredible Kid Day - which is on Thursday, March 16 this year.
Apparently, the day was established by Camp Fire USA and this is the 10th year that the third Thursday in March is specified for children.
The idea is to write a letter to your child, or some other child who is incredible, and tell them how important they are in your life.
The letter of love and support from an adult can impact the child for the rest of their life.
The Berrien County Health Department has offered these following tips on letter writing.
Even if you don't consider yourself a writer, just the fact you took the time and effort to do this will mean so much.
Don't worry either that you are not text messaging in kids' codes. A real letter on paper can be kept for years.
1. Set aside 10 to 20 minutes in a place where you will be undisturbed.
2. Form a mental picture of the child and the things that you enjoy or appreciate about the child.
3. Make a list of adjectives that describe the child: funny, honest, smart, skillful, helpful, caring….
4. Be specific and descriptive. Use humor. Try "Do you know what I like about you? I like it when you …"
5. Remember fun times or special moments you and the child have shared.
Refer to these events and tell the child what you enjoyed about that time.
6. Don't worry about the length of the letter. A brief note can be cherished as much as a two-page letter.
7. Write it by hand. Feel free to make edits as you go.
8. You need not limit yourself to pen and paper. Send an encouraging e-mail, postcard or greeting card. Mail it, put in a lunch box, on a bed or read it to a child.
Camp Fire USA Wathana Council (Michigan) is the acting agency for this campaign and more information about them can be obtained via their website www.campfireUSA.org and click on Absolutely Incredible Kid Day.
They even have a page with the logo for Kid's Day, which you can print to write your letter on.
You won't be sorry you took the time to acknowledge the wonderful things you love about your special child or children.
Show you care.
I once wrote a thank you letter to my parents, after I went away to college. I guess I was homesick and really appreciated all that they did for me. There I had to get my own meals, do my wash, etc.
After they died, I found that letter I had written. It must have meant a lot for them to keep it all that time.