Accidents continue at South 11th
Published 8:24 am Tuesday, December 6, 2005
By By ERIN VER BERKMOES / Niles Daily Star
NILES - It seems like a week can't go by without there being an accident at either the intersection of South Third Street and US-12 or South 11th Street at the entrance to Wal-Mart.
At Monday night's Niles Township Board of Trustees meeting township resident Karin Buda questioned the board about these intersections.
Noble also reported on a proposed construction project on M-51 from Pucker Street to Pokagon Highway.
Sergeant Tim Ganus of the Berrien County Sheriff's Department gave the board the departments monthly report on the the number of calls which they worked in the township for the month of October.
A reminder to residents that on Sunday, Jan. 1, 2006 the Berrien County Sheriff's Department will take over the policing duties of Niles Township.
The sheriff's department will provide the township 24/7 coverage, with seven deputies being assigned to cover the area. They will work only within the township and not outside unless they are needed in an emergency backup situation.
All of the numbers to reach the police will remain the same as they are now.
Finally in order to promote safety in schools, the State has recommended recommended that polling places be moved out of school buildings. For Niles Township residents in precincts 2, 3 and 4, their polling places will be moving.
Those in Precinct 3 (Brandywine High School) and Precinct 4 ( Brandywine Elementary) will now be voting at the Old Fire Station at 316 Bell Road, next to the township hall. A new polling place for those in Precinct 2 has yet to be determined.
All registered voters in the affected precincts will be receiving new voter identification cards.