Lee files to recall Prosecutor Fitz
Published 8:30 pm Monday, November 14, 2005
By By JOHN EBY / Cassopolis Vigilant
CASSOPOLIS - A clarity hearing on recall language filed against Cass County Prosecutor Victor Fitz has been set for 8:15 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 23, before the Election Commission of Judge Susan Dobrich, Clerk-Register Barb Wilson and Treasurer Linda Irwin.
Dan Lee filed the recall petition, alleging that Fitz “has shown political bias, taken sides in local issues and been discriminative in bringing charges against citizens.”
Charges in a recall petition don't need to be proven true or accurate so long as they are clear enough for voters to understand and for the targeted official to respond.
If the language clears this test, Lee would need to collect 3,183 signatures and the recall would be on the ballot no sooner than May.
On Friday, Circuit Judge Michael Dodge denied an injunction motion aimed at halting Tuesday's special Village of Cassopolis election, which proceeded as scheduled. Walter Malone of Cassopolis has been charged by Fitz with signing recall petitions which he allegedly did not circulate.
Last week County Commissioner David Taylor, an Edwardsburg attorney, filed to void the recall election.