Homeschool classes open to all
Published 4:53 am Friday, June 10, 2005
By By MARCIA STEFFENS / Niles Daily Star
NILES - Summer enrichment classes are starting at the Homeschool HUB building, 220 E. Main St., in downtown Niles. Both of these, chess and robotics, are open to the entire community, not just homeschoolers.
The chess class will meet on Tuesdays, beginning June 14 from 7-9 p.m., and running for six weeks for a total of $24.
The chess class is open to all ages, including adults and skill levels, and to all community members, not just homeschoolers. Learn from a master chess teacher; Marty Klubeck of Niles, who teaches the Saturday classes at the Niles library during the school year.
Class content will vary each week, chess problems, using the clock, learning chess notation, mini tournaments, "bughouse", and more. There will be plenty of practice games every week.
One of Klubeck's students, Scott Joyce, 18. recently tied for third place in a chess tournament in Chicago, winning $533. He played seven games and had five wins, one loss, and one draw. He has been taking private lessons from Klubeck for about six months now.
For more information on this class, call Kathy Joyce at 683-1384 or
On Tuesdays during the day will be Robotics Play Sessions, also starting next week, but running all summer from noon to 2 and 2 to 4 p.m., for ages 7 and up.
These classes are $5 per session, with Meg Edwards as instructor.
These sessions will not be sequential lessons, they will be a time for students to explore and experiment with the Lego Mindstorms robotics materials, including programming their robots using the computers.
Edwards will do a 5-10 minute lesson each session on some aspect of building and/or programming robots. The remainder of the session students will work on their own, doing whatever interests them most with the teacher available to help as they have questions or problems.
The maximum number of students per session is 12. You may sign up and pre-pay for whichever sessions you like, skipping vacation weeks, etc.
Also offered on Thursday in Niles are classes in choir, strings and the recorder. Call Valerie Runts at (574) 674-9897 for more information on these classes.
Contact the Homeschool HUB at 683-1384 or