Bundle up – and get used to it!
Published 1:14 pm Wednesday, January 19, 2005
By By ERIN VER BERKMOES / Niles Daily Star
NILES - For the past few days, the temperatures in and around the Niles area have been downright frigid, thus making any amount of time that is spent outside a little unbearable.
But for many workers in Niles, the cold weather doesn't mean they don't have to go outdoors.
Despite these low temperatures, the city workers are still getting things done such as patching of streets, sanding and salting, plowing, working in the cemetery and fixing signs.
But the cold weather not only affects the workers, but it also affects the budgets of the places in which they work.
Coultson said he accounts for periods of cold weather in his budget, but if these temperatures stick around for more than a few weeks, the weather will wreak havoc on city coffers. In that event, he won't be able to keep up with the cost of the natural gas bills that would ensue with the heating of several of the city's buildings.
According to meterologist Mike Hoffman of WNDU television in South Bend, Ind., we have moved into a winter pattern of weather and can expect this type of weather throughout the rest of January and February.
There is good news when it comes to the weather. The National Weather Service said when spring finally gets here, we should experience normal temperatures and percipitation.
But before that milder weather gets to us, we still have quite a bit of this winter weather left and that means that there are times when the road conditions are so favorable. Drivers should take a take a look at some winter driving tips from the AAA of Michigan and the State of Michigan's websites.
Remember to slow down and leave at least six seconds between you and the car in front of you when the roads are nasty.
Look for trouble, ice tends to happen in shady spots and use your low beam headlights when snow is falling.
Give yourself a break. If you vehicle has anti-lock breaks, let them do there job. If you don't have them, be sure to modulate break preasure, so as to not lock up wheel. And just stay aware.
And finally, give yourself some help by having a first-aid kit with you for emergencies.
If drives just allow some extra time to get to where they are going an follow these tips, then the roads will be safer for all drivers.