New directors already busy

Published 8:30 am Thursday, July 29, 2004

By By MARCIA STEFFENS / Cassopolis Vigilant
CASSOPOLIS - Both the new director of curriculum and new athletic director for the Cassopolis public Schools have already been busy with their duties.
At Monday's School Board meeting, Hiawatha Francisco, the new AD, (see sports inside, page. 11) presented the draft of a athlete handbook for students and their parents.
Outlined are rules, which will include a mandatory meeting for parents during the year.
A Meet the Coach night is scheduled for Aug. 10 at 6:30 p.m., with a chicken dinner before to raise funds.
Superintendent William Trujillo said he was impressed at how well and quickly Francisco and Ross Beatty Principal Rusty Stitt prepared the document. They are also working on starting an intermural sports program at Ross Beatty.
The board members were also introduced to John E. McGonigle of Lawton, the new director of curriculum. The only public comment was from Glenda Hass, a parent who supported the board's decision to institute a delayed start every Wednesday morning, instead of having teacher training with days off throughout the year.
Hass mentioned many positive aspects including a chance to make doctor and dental appointments, an opportunity for those with away games on Tuesday evenings to sleep in, and how one church plans to offer a Bible study during that time.
Trujillo was to meet with parents with concerns this past Wednesday in his office.