Niles gives notice of layoff to 3 teachers
Published 11:46 am Tuesday, April 20, 2004
By By JAMES COLLINS / Niles Daily Star
NILES -- The Niles Community Schools Board of Education announced the need to layoff three teachers next year due to changes in enrollment and uncertain funding for the 2004-2005 school year.
The action was necessary because teacher layoffs must be announced before the April 30 deadline, but the district anticipates the teachers will be recalled at some time during the school year.
The three teachers being laid off are: Sue Bowser, a fifth grade teacher at Howard Elementary, Chad Gabrich, a social studies teacher at Niles High School and Jennifer Gormley, a first grade teacher at Ballard Elementary.
The board also approved keeping the district's summer drivers' education program despite falling just short of the registration goal.
The deadline was on Monday and the program had 210 students registered. The board's goal was to have 225 students enrolled.
Law said the district will continue to accept registration and anticipates they will reach their goal of 225.
In other business, the board approved putting an election resolution on the school board ballot to enable the district to levy a statutory rate of 18 mills on all non-homestead and non-qualified agricultural property.
Law said this tax will not affect most home owners, but only businesses and owners of a second home.
If the amendment does not pass, the district would stand to lose $190,000 in state aid.