Good year for snowmobilers; busy year for trail keepers
Published 5:35 am Saturday, February 14, 2004
By Staff
NILES -- For the first time in several years, the Michiana area has been covered with consistently good snowfalls, which makes the Four Flags Snowmobile Club members very happy.
The club is responsible for maintaining approximately 50 miles of trails in the area. Club members work hard throughout the year in keeping the process going. Besides putting in the trails in November and taking them out in March, they groom them regularly to maintain trail quality.
During the summer months, preparation for the next season starts all over again. Contacting landowners, signing contracts, and all of the other necessary paperwork that it takes to keep the trails going.
The club has been in existance for more than 30 years. Members come and go along the way, but as with any organization, a core group of volunteers have kept the trails alive. Doing so is beneficial not only for local area snowmobilers, but it also attracts riders from out-of-state.
The club meets the first and third Wednesday of the month during the winter at the Niles Chamber of Commerce, lower level, at 7 p.m.
New members are welcome and needed in order to keep the trails and the club going.
Another effort the club is undertaking is to get local organizations and businesses to sponsor it. Being a non-profit organization, funds are limited, equpiment is needed, etc.
If there is anyone interested in joining, call Lee Palmer at 683-0986 or visit