Group ticket sales in progress for winter sports finals
Published 3:51 am Wednesday, January 28, 2004
By Staff
Group ticket sales are now underway for three Michigan High School Athletic Association Finals -- the Lower Peninsula Individual Wrestling Finals at The Palace of Auburn Hills, March 11-13; the Girls Volleyball Finals at University Arena in Kalamazoo, March 18-20; and the Boys Basketball Finals at the Breslin Student Events Center in East Lansing, March 25-27.
Under the group program, groups of six or more can obtain a substantial discount off the standard general admission ticket price for each session of the three events.
Group tickets are priced at $3.50 each for each session at Girls Volleyball and Boys Basketball; and $4 each per session at Individual Wrestling, which includes parking at The Palace of Auburn Hills.
A service charge is added to each order by the tournament venue box office for shipping and handling.
In order to qualify for the group discount, all orders must be submitted in advance.
For the Lower Peninsula Individual Wrestling Finals, orders must be postmarked no later than Feb. 25.
For the Girls Volleyball Finals, orders must be postmarked no later than March 6.
For the Boys Basketball Finals, orders must be postmarked no later than March 12.
No group orders postmarked after the deadline date will be accepted.
All group seating for Individual Wrestling and Volleyball is general admission. For the Wrestling Finals, all general admission seating is located only in the upper level of the arena. For the Boys Basketball Finals, all tickets are reserved in the upper deck of the arena.
Group Ticket Order Forms for the MHSAA Lower Peninsula Individual Wrestling Finals, the Girls Volleyball Finals, and the Boys Basketball may be obtained exclusively from the MHSAA Web site (
The MHSAA is a private, not-for-profit corporation of voluntary membership by over 1,200 public and private senior high schools and junior high/middle schools which exists to develop common rules for athletic eligibility and competition.
No government funds or tax dollars support the MHSAA, which was the first such association nationally to not accept membership dues or tournament entry fees from schools.
Member schools which enforce these rules are permitted to participate in MHSAA tournaments, which attract approximately 1.6 million spectators each year.