18-mill levy retooled for savings

Published 7:54 pm Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dowagiac Union Schools’ annual 18-mill, non-homestead millage, which the district relies on for $4.1 million, is being shifted to winter collection, Supt. Dr. Mark Daniel informed the Board of Education this week.
“The millage is critical for our financial stability,” Daniel said.
“The three primary reasons for moving from summer collection are eliminating summer parcel collection fees amounting to about $22,500; reduction of ballot costs which we will incur in August at about $5,500; and currently there is “consistency in the Consumer Price Index as it relates to property tax values, thus reducing the chances of Headlee rollbacks, which has been the primary reason,” Daniel said.
The district’s legal advisers at Thrun recommend bringing to a board meeting in May a proposal for a two-year millage on the August ballot.
“Then we’ll wait for two years, so we can get with gubernatorial election cycle every four years,” Daniel said.