William Crandell: Is Obama gutting welfare?

Published 10:28 pm Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Romney campaign has recently been running TV ads in several states accusing President Obama of ending the work requirement and gutting welfare reform.

There is no truth to this accusation and it isn’t even a half-truth. Mitt Romney is seeking to exploit the frustration of blue-collar workers by stating the president will give lazy people a free ride. Romney, along with the national GOP, is once again kicking poor people when they are down and attempting to use divisive tactics to win the presidency.

Work requirements for government aid recipients have not been dropped. States now have the option to seek waivers that will allow them to revise aid stipulations to fit the needs of their employment and economic conditions.

These new requirements have been designed to eliminate federal red tape and free up state funds to help get people back to work. Benefits have not been increased and recipients will not receive any assistance beyond their allotted time — whether they are employed or not — and recipients will still be required to work and receive training if eligible.

If this sort of fabricated ugly attack is what we can expect from Romney if he is elected, then I say, no thanks. Bringing up the concept of “welfare queens” is nothing more than a transparent attempt to play upon white working class anger and stinks of racial scapegoating.

Romney appears to be so desperate to win the presidency, he is willing to throw away the honesty and integrity that America should demand from their president. He’ll never see a vote from me because of it, and I think he has shamed his candidacy and cheapened the election process.

I can only hope that the American people will remember this moment when they vote in November.

We should expect better from our leaders.