Twoolies’ best in groups

Published 2:34 pm Thursday, July 10, 2014

Life often colors our world in ways that change our view.

This week brought in a new shipment of “Twoolies” to my shoppe. Twoolies are wool animal figures with artistic personality designed by architect Sindy Posso and Mayan artists. They combine modern trendy concepts with ancestral native designs. Every piece features a unique combination of textures, colors and patterns that make it truly one of a kind.

There are simply no two Twoolies alike.

People, like Twoolies, are beautiful in their individuality, possessing features and characteristics that are a work of art and divinity. We can easily stand-alone and be complete; however, when grouped together, we become a magic canvas that paints the world in rainbow hues and sunset skies.

The company I purchase them from strongly suggests grouping Twoolies together as they make a greater impact for sales. This holds true for we human beings as well. Together we make a greater impact. Sometimes it just takes one Twooly, one person, to get our attention. Lindsey Madigan, a lovely, compassionate young woman, did that for me this week via a presentation on the non-profit she is founding and naming, Purple Clouds.

Her story is one of having achieved success but still feeling empty inside until she took a trip to Haiti and found her calling. It was an epiphany that took her to Uganda, where she saw her value in the eyes and smiles of individual faces and the worth of not just her soul but the souls she connects with in an inner city of homeless, hungry children.

Trust me, the need is great, yet, as Lindsey explained, these children are happy even with nothing, there is a joy within them, a hope to be doctors, lawyers, astronauts and scientists. They are beautiful and complete in themselves but NEED the basics of food, medical help and an opportunity for education and sustainability. Lindsey is the Twooly that magnetizes other Twoolies to her. The more Twoolies side by side, the greater the force for positive change.

Each one of us reaching out to one another and helping as we can, allows that brushstroke of light and love to paint the picture brighter, to bring violet saturation to gray skies, turning clouds a gorgeous purple. I was so excited to be able to offer a venue through my e-commerce, if she wishes, to sell products and send 100 percent of the proceeds to help sustain her mission.

I look forward to speaking with her more, I look forward to her being able to feed children every day, to provide basic medical help and give them the opportunity to become the astronauts and doctors of our future. For more information, feel free to contact me at

We are all interconnected. Whether in our little village or an ocean away, connections are a wonderful conduit for changing the world, one Twooly, one cloud at a time.


CeeCee Wilson is the organizer of Cass Can, Inc. and owner of Last Tagine in Paris, LLC. Find them on Facebook.