Upton recaps accomplishments in first six months

Published 6:29 pm Sunday, July 10, 2011

WASHINGTON — U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, (R-Mich., released a progress report on the committee’s work in the first half of the year, revealing that the panel has produced legislation to save taxpayers close to $90 billion, protect nearly 4 million jobs from being destroyed by job-crushing regulationsand create another 150,000+ jobs via American Energy Initiative legislation to increase domestic production and energy security while bringing down prices at the pump.

These new numbers are included in the committee’s Second Quarter Report, which Upton released Wednesday evening to committee members and to the House Republican leadership.

“Creating jobs and helping put our state’s economy back on track remain my very top priorities,” said Upton.
“The work we have been doing at Energy and Commerce supports an agenda that puts Michigan’s working families and job creators first. From promoting an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that creates jobs, lowers energy prices and fortifies our energy security, to putting a halt on overreaching, job-stifling regulations that affect all southwest Michigan companies, we are fulfilling our promise to the American people to put our economy first.”