Trickery, trickery and more trickery
Published 7:49 pm Thursday, March 17, 2011
Dear editor,
Property taxes are still a tax that is discriminatory and the benefits from it only supply townships, villages county and state universities and local universities.
How does the local get monies from property taxes? Millage. Isn’t it to be put up for a vote to the voters? Notice I didn’t say property owners, I said voters; there are more voters than property owners. On top of all of that there are more wage earners than property owners. So why not put a percentage on people’s earnings and drop property taxes?
We have just received our property valuation and it went up several thousand dollars.
I called my real estate agent and asked a good question. Has property valuation raised in the past year and the reply was “no,” it has gone down.
We have a group of people who are running Cass County and Ontwa Township and the party that is in charge is talking as being against raising taxes. So what do they do?
Instead of living within their means, they raise property valuation and we the property owners will be paying more. Isn’t that a tax increase? I call it a sneaky way to get more monies from the property owners.
Think of the people who may not be able to pay property taxes. This includes retirees who are on a fixed income. Will those who raised the valuation of properties be sitting back to see foreclosures? Maybe you have a friend who is sitting back there to buy up that property. I say shame on the lot of you, you do not have any scruples.
If the formula is put in place where the wage earner pays the cost of local government, then property taxes could be abolished, and more businesses would come into Michigan for they, too, wouldn’t pay property taxes.
How’s those that say go? Vote Republican no tax increases, vote Democrat taxes will go up. Well, that is not true, for the Republicans are running the show.
Maybe, just maybe, we could stand a recall.
Amadeo J. Lese