Tyler hits nail on the head with small business emphasis

Published 10:54 pm Sunday, October 24, 2010

To the editor:

If we want to change Michigan’s economic climate, the state’s focus must be on job creation and retention.

I think Rep. Sharon Tyler hits the nail on the head when she states that “Michigan’s number one priority must be jobs. We have a budget problem because we have a jobs problem. We have to get to the root of this crisis by focusing on job retention and creation.”

Rep. Tyler has voted in the past to create a small business loan guarantee program helping small businesses grow in Michigan.

She also voted to extend the Brownfield Tax Credits to 2014. As small business owners we know how much tax credits and small business loans help encourage small business growth. 

Small business growth creates jobs and ensures job retention.

Policymaking like this prioritizes the creation and security of jobs and will ultimately reinvigorate our economy. 

That’s why we’ll be voting for Rep. Tyler in the Nov. 2 election.

Mike and Jamie Conrad

St. Joseph