City manager recaps disaster exercise

Published 6:56 pm Sunday, September 26, 2010

The City of Dowagiac partnered with Borgess Lee Memorial Hospital and Borgess Lee Medical Group to conduct a disaster exercise this past week in downtown Dowagiac.
The scenario involved a touch-down of a category F3 tornado, which caused damaged to several major structures including the hospital, City Hall, Dowagiac Union School administration offices, Pamida and other business and private structures.
Injuries were incurred requiring medical treatment and transport.
Major roads and intersections were blocked by debris, and the wastewater treatment plant and other critical infrastructure was damaged and inoperable.
Utilities were severely impaired.
Partners in the exercise in addition to BLMH, BLMG and the City of Dowagiac (Mayor, Council, City Manager and all departments) included Cass County Emergency Management Office, Cass County E-911 Central Dispatch, CEMS/Pride-Care, The Timbers, Cass/Van Buren County Health Departments, American Red Cross, CERT and RACES members.
Mutual aid partners from surrounding fire jurisdictions actively responded, as well.
Disaster simulation exercises are a valuable tool for assessing the capability of systems and resources to address potential issues in the event of a wide-scale emergency in the City of Dowagiac.
An after-action report is prepared and reviewed by the Exercise Design Committee to address both the areas of strengths and those requiring additional resources and training to enhance response and recovery abilities.
This information can also be utilized in requesting federal funding.

Road paving projects on agenda

This week the City Council agenda will see a series of road project bids that are coming before council for action.
Two of them are grant-related projects, which are Wolf Street and Solomon Street.
These projects include some utility reconstruction.
Much of the funding comes from the ICE federal stimulus project.
The balance of the road construction work will be done in cooperation with the Cass County Road Commission.
If approved, this fall 14,750 linear feet of neighborhood streets will be paved.
This project will touch all corners of the city in all wards.

Property taxes 85% in the bank

City Treasurer Robin Coffey reports that 85 percent of the property taxes due and payable by Sept. 15 have been receipted and placed in the bank.
She indicates that this rate of collection is typical with previous years experience.

— Kevin P. Anderson
City Manager