159th Cass County Fair • horse results
Published 7:18 pm Monday, August 9, 2010
Western fitting and showing
Class 1511
Age 14 and over
Morgan Winters, Elkhart, Ind., Sleepy Hollow, first.
Andrew Turner, Constantine, Sleepy Hollow, second.
Cassandra Ivers, Niles, Sleepy Hollow, third.
Karlee Mikel, Marcellus, Hoofbeaters, fourth.
Class 1512
Age 11-13
Callie Garcia, Lawton, Hoofbeaters, first.
Ryan Williams, Cassopolis, Jones Rough Riders, second.
Skylar Miller-Baker, Vandalia, 5-H, third.
Class 1513
Age 9-10
Arika Fell, Edwardsburg, Triple C, first.
Allison Ives, Marcellus, Jones Rough Riders, second.
Kaitlyn Curtis, Elkhart, Ind., Sleepy Hollow, third.
Dana Majewski, Cassopolis, 5-H, fourth.
Brittany Morris, Centreville, 5-H, fifth.
Shelby Guarino, Edwardsburg, Cowboy Up, sixth.
Lannie Saurman Memorial Traveling Award for pony showmanship — Morgan Winters, Elkhart, Sleepy Hollow.
Class 1515 is awarded the Harold Harp Traveling Trophy and represents horses in the Showmanship Sweepstakes.
Grand champion showmanship — Tory Treat, Niles, Sleepy Hollow.
Reserve grand champion showmanship — Kayla Ringle, Marcellus, Jones Rough Riders.
Class 1531
Age 14 and over
Morgan Winters, Elkhart, Ind., Sleepy Hollow, first.
Andrew Turner, Constantine, Sleepy Hollow, second.
Karlee Mikel, Marcellus, Hoofbeaters, third.
Cassandra Ivers, Niles, Sleepy Hollow, fourth.
Class 1532
Age 11-13
Skylar Miller-Baker, Vandalia, 5-H, first.
Callie Garcia, Lawton, Hoofbeaters, second.
Ryan Williams, Cassopolis, Jones Rough Riders, third.
Class 1533
Age 9-10
Arika Fell, Edwardsburg, Triple C, first.
MacKenzie Mehaney, Three Rivers, Cowboy Up, second.
Allison Ives, Marcellus, Jones Rough Riders, third.
Kaitlyn Curtis, Elkhart, Ind., Sleepy Hollow, fourth.
Stefan Olafsson, Vandalia, Hoofbeaters, fifth.
Dana Majewski, Cassopolis, 5-H, sixth.
Class 1534
Senior champion — Kimmy Bratton, Vandalia, Jones Rough Riders.
Reserve senior champion — Haley Dotson, Granger, Ind., Triple C.
Class 1535
Junior champion — Jessica Verleum, Vandalia, Hoofbeaters.
Reserve junior champion — Hilary VanOverberghe, Edwardsburg, Sleepy Hollow.
Class 1536
Winner is awarded the Marion Eubank Champion Horsemanship Traveling Trophy.
Grand champion — Kimmy Bratton, Vandalia, Jones Rough Riders.
Reserve grand champion — Jessica Verleum, Vandalia, Hoofbeaters.
Second place in Class 1536 is awarded the Peggy Stevens Memorial Award Plaque and Scholarship.
Class 1516
4-H Senior Scholarship — Sara Brenneman, Cassopolis, Cowboy Up.
Winner of the 4-H Horse Leaders’ Association’s scholarship and plaque.
Two parts, Class 1515 and Class 1536, 4-H members only, current seniors, determined by points accumulated.
Western pleasure
Class 1551
Age 14 and over
Andrew Turner, Constantine, Sleepy Hollow, first.
Morgan Winters, Elkhart, Ind., Sleepy Hollow, second.
Karlee Mikel, Marcellus, Hoofbeaters, third.
Cassandra Ivers, Niles, Sleepy Hollow, fourth.
Class 1552
Age 11-13
Ryan Williams, Cassopolis, Jones Rough Riders, first.
Callie Garcia, Lawton, Hoofbeaters, second.
Skylar Miller-Baker, Vandalia, 5-H, third.
Class 1553
Age 9-10
Dana Majewski, Cassopolis, 5-H, first.
Tonya Roberts, Dowagiac, North Red Hill, second.
Kaitlyn Curtis, Elkhart, Ind., Sleepy Hollow, third.
Brittany Morris, Centreville, 5-H, fourth.
Stefan Olafsson, Vandalia, Hoofbeaters, fifth.
MacKenzie Mehaney, Three Rivers, Cowboy Up, sixth.
Class 1554
Champion — Andrew Turner, Constantine, Sleepy Hollow.
Reserve champion — Ryan Williams, Cassopolis, Jones Rough Riders.
Class 1571
Age 9 and over
horses, all ponies
walk trot
Jason Ray, Constantine, Sleepy Hollow, first.
Kelly Farr, Vandalia, Sleepy Hollow, second.
Aaron Turner, Constantine, Sleepy Hollow, third.
Michaela Kendrix, Cassopolis, TEAM, fourth.
David Doyle, Cassopolis, 5-H, fifth.
Garett Orpurt, Niles, Jones Rough Riders, sixth.
Class 1572
Age 9 and over
horses, all ponies
walk trot pleasure
Chrystal Kendrix, Cassopolis, TEAM, first.
Amy Adams, Dowagiac, 5-H, second.
Aaron Majewski, Cassopolis, 5-H, third.
Marla Brenner, Granger, Ind., Jones Rough Riders, fourth.
Phillip Small, Marcellus, Kids-N-Kids, fifth.
Kelly Farr, Vandalia, Sleepy Hollow, sixth.
Western riding
horses, all ponies
Class 1591
Age 17 and over
Kimmy Bratton, Vandalia, Jones Rough Riders, first.
Jessica Howton, Cassopolis, Silver Spurs, second.
James Spaulding, Three Rivers, Silver Spurs, third.
Katelin Quantz, Osceola, Ind., Triple C, fourth.
Elisabeth Gokey, Dowagiac, North Red Hill, fifth.
Marcie Ennesser, Dowagiac, Silver Spurs, sixth.
Class 1592
Age 15-16
Brittany Proffitt, Marcellus, Silver Spurs, first.
Ambre-Anna Cwik, Granger, Ind., Triple C, second.
Jennifer Richner, Cassopolis, Jones Rough Riders, third.
Bjargey Olafsson, Vandalia, Hoofbeaters, fourth.
Amanda Wilson, Cassopolis, TEAM, fifth.
Renae Michalski, Granger, Ind., Triple C, sixth.
Class 1593
Age 13-14
Jessica Verleum, Vandalia, Hoofbeaters, first.
Jillian Stevens, Granger, Ind., Triple C, second.
Nattalee Smith, Dowagiac, 4 Kids 4-H, third.
Karlee Mikel, Marcellus, Hoofbeaters, fourth.
Class 1594
Age 9-12
Melody Cutting, Cassopolis, Hoofbeaters, first.
Kassidy Burns, Granger, Ind., Silver Spurs, second.
Nikita Mehaney, Three Rivers, Cowboy Up, third.
MacKenzie Mehaney, Three Rivers, Cowboy Up, fourth.
Dana Majewski, Cassopolis, 5-H, fifth.
Hannah Mann, South Bend, Ind., Triple C, sixth.
Class 1611
Age 17 and over
Kimmy Bratton, Vandalia, Jones Rough Riders, first.
Jessica Howton, Cassopolis, Silver Spurs, second.
Marissa Ryan, Granger, Ind., Triple C, third.
Rosemary Hamilton, Niles, Jones Rough Riders, fourth.
Kayla Dewey, Dowagiac, 4 Kids 4-H, fifth.
Katelin Quantz, Granger, Ind., Triple C, sixth.
Class 1612
Age 15-16
Jennifer Richner, Cassopolis, Jones Rough Riders, first.
Tiffany Morris, Centreville, 5-H, second.
Tom Rifenberg, Jones, youth, third.
Haley Dotson, Granger, Ind., Triple C, fourth.
Taylor Farmer, Cassopolis, 5-H, fifth.
Bjargey Olafsson, Vandalia, Hoofbeaters, sixth.
Class 1613
Age 13-14
Jessica Verleum, Vandalia, Hoofbeaters, first.
Zachary Fell, Edwardsburg, Triple C, second.
Karlee Fell, Marcellus, Hoofbeaters, third.
Jillian Stevens, Granger, Ind., Triple C, fourth.
Vendela Hale, Dowagiac, Silver Spurs, fifth.
Class 1614
Age 9-12
Brittany Morris, Centreville, 5-H, first.
Marie White, Elkhart, Ind., Sleepy Hollow, second.
Morgan Conley, Edwardsburg, Sleepy Hollow, third.
Emily Prugh, Elkhart, Ind., Triple C, fourth.
Class 1301 Age 17-19
Kimmy Bratton, Vandalia, Jones Rough Riders, first.
Katelin Quantz, Osceola, Ind., Triple C, second.
Sara Brenneman, Cassopolis, Cowboy Up, third.
Lauren Bishop, Dowagiac, 4 Kids 4-H, fourth.
Jessica Howton, Cassopolis, Silver Spurs, fifth.
Rita Rifenberg, Jones, youth, sixth.
Class 1302 Age 16
Kristen Rose, Three Rivers, Jones Rough Riders, first.
Amanda Wilson, Cassopolis, TEAM, second.
Renae Michalski, Granger, Ind., Triple C, third.
Donna Farmer, Cassopolis, 5-H, fourth.
Breanna Westphal, Three Rivers, 5-H, fifth.
Emily Lawson, Cassopolis, Silver Spurs, sixth.
Class 1303 Age 15
Brittany Profitt, Marcellus, Silver Spurs, first.
Jordan Miller, Granger, Ind., Triple C, second.
Ambre-Anna Cwik, Osceola, Ind., Triple C, third.
Tory Treat, Niles, Sleepy Hollow, fourth.
Tiffany Morris, Centreville, 5-H, fifth.
Kayla Ringle, Marcellus, Jones Rough Riders, sixth.
Class 1304 Age 14
Morgan Winters, Elkhart, Ind., Sleepy Hollow, first.
Natalee Smith, Dowagiac, 4 Kids 4-H, second.
Vendela Hale, Dowagiac, Silver Spurs, third.
Kourtney Reynolds, Granger, Ind., Triple C, fourth.
Karlee Mikel, Marcellus, Hoofbeaters, fifth.
Marissa James, Wayland, Kids-N-Kids, sixth.
Class 1305 Age 13
Jessica Verleum, Vandalia, Hoofbeaters, first.
Hilary VanOverberghe, Edwardsburg, Sleepy Hollow, second.
Zachary Fell, Edwardsburg, Triple C, third.
Ryan Williams, Cassopolis, Jones Rough Riders, fourth.
Jillian Stevens, Granger, Ind., Triple C, fifth.
Mandy Bruens, Cassopolis, Silver Spurs, sixth.
Class 1306 Age 12
Tyler Treat, Niles, Sleepy Hollow, first.
Ashley Ives, Marcellus, Jones Rough Riders, second.
Callie Garcia, Lawton, Hoofbeaters, third.
Santanna Mosher, Marcellus, Cowboy Up, fourth.
Rachelle Williams, Cassopolis, Jones Rough Riders, fifth.
Marie White, Elkhart, Ind., Sleepy Hollow, sixth.
Class 1307 Age 11
Kassidy Burns, Granger, Ind., Silver Spurs, first.
Nikita Mehaney, Three Rivers, Cowboy Up, second.
Morgan Conley, Edwardsburg, Sleepy Hollow, third.
Skylar Miller-Baker, Vandalia, 5-H, fourth.
Shane Los, Cassopolis, Silver Spurs, fifth.
Melody Cutting, Cassopolis, Hoofbeaters, sixth.
Class 1308 Age 9-10
Arica Fell, Edwardsburg, Triple C, first.
Kelley Kruse, White Pigeon, Jones Rough Riders, second.
Stefan Olafsson, Vandalia, Hoofbeaters, third.
Dana Majewski, Cassopolis, 5-H, fourth.
Emily Prugh, Elkhart, Ind., Triple C, fifth.
Jaden Miesel, Edwardsburg, Mechanicsburg, sixth.
Class 1309
Champion — Kimmy Bratton, Vandalia, Jones Rough Riders.
Reserve champion — Katelin Quantz, Osceola, Ind., Triple C.