Iraq war veteran appreciated Congressman Upton’s support

Published 7:33 pm Sunday, July 25, 2010

To the editor:

As a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, I would like to thank Congressman Fred Upton for his long record of supporting those of us who have served in our nation’s armed forces.

It was a great comfort to know that while I was fighting to protect the U.S. from foreign enemies, I had the full support of my congressman back home.

Anyone who has ever met Fred knows he has a long record of support for servicemen and women as well as veterans.

In Congress, Fred voted to provide a fully paid for secondary education to those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan at no cost to them.

He has voted many times for budgets that insure our military has the best equipment in combat. And Fred has fought to provide the best care available when we come home.

Fred has worked to cut disability claims backlog at the VA.

Fred has always made sure those of us in harm’s way have the resources we need to do our jobs safely and effectively so ultimately we can come home safely to our loved ones.

I am grateful that I can count on Fred Upton to fight for those of us who have given so much to protect freedom in America.

I will be voting for Fred Upton on Aug. 3, and if you care about our men and women in the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard, you will vote for Fred Upton, too.

Ernie Knauf

Iraq War veteran
