City manager updates council on DART contract

Published 11:00 pm Sunday, May 9, 2010

At the April 12 Dowagiac council meeting, a resolution was approved authorizing staff to enter into and execute on behalf of the city routine project authorizations with the Michigan Department of Transportation for passenger-related services for the current master agreement period expiring in 2011.

In an effort to keep council informed on activities relating to Dial-A-Ride grant funding for fiscal year 2010, earlier last week the annual project authorization agreement for administration of the federal operating assistance grant was executed.

Under terms of this revised project authorization, federal operating assistance funds provided under this project authorization are $17,561 with a total federal funding amount of $34,892 budgeted for fiscal year 2010.

“As in past years,” City Manager Kevin Anderson said Friday, “we expect amendments throughout the fiscal year because of ongoing appropriation amendments at the federal and state levels.”