Democrats lead way for common good

Published 2:11 pm Thursday, April 1, 2010

To the editor:

Democrats have given us Social Security, Medicare, civil rights, labor laws, clean air and water standards, FDA, rural electrification, FDIC, school lunch program and much, much more.

Whenever there has been a fight for the common good for all citizens of our country, the Democratic Party has led the way and fought the battles. It is the party that stands for all of us, not just those of wealth and privilege. And the Democratic Party has again fought the fight for all of us in passing into law the right of each citizen to quality, affordable health care – a right, not a privilege.

President Obama, Sen. Levin and Sen. Stabenow have shown great courage and true patriotism. Cass County voted for them. They, and we, are to be saluted.

Cathy LaPointe
Chairwoman, Cass County Democratic Party