How long?
Published 10:52 am Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Dear editor:
It’s time that we, as Americans and God-fearing people, take responsibility for the way our country is heading.
Too long we have stood by complacently and watched as the elite in our country, both Democrats and Republicans, have patted our heads and told us that we were OK and we didn’t have to worry, that everything was under control.
Well, it isn’t under control at all! The bottom fell out of everything last fall and our leaders still haven’t a clue how to fix what they actually caused by corporate and governmental greed.
We all say to them, “Can’t you see what we see?” Of course they can but if they confess that they are the ones who allowed this mess to happen then they might have to give up their cushy, powerful and prestigious status. So they continue to play the same old tune over and over and hope that we will again sit back in our La-Z-Boy chairs and put our feet up and let the “big guys” handle everything again. The government Old Boys Club hopes that we will go back to snoozing while they screw around with our money, our trust and our lives.
Isn’t it about time that we take responsibility for our own actions and hold those who supposedly represent us accountable for their actions? It’s time that we hold both sides of the political powers-that-be accountable for what goes on in government. No more lock step marching without thinking, to a dictator who rules the land with fear and lies.
How long? How long will we sit and watch as our leaders destroy our country and then demand that we take care of them for the rest of their lives with health insurance benefits that we pay for but cannot get for ourselves? For retirement benefits that we taxpayers supply, after only one term in, House, Senate or White House.
How long? How long until we cry foul and finally move out of our comfort zone, stand up and move forward to be counted as one more citizen who has had enough of lies, corruption, selfishness and deceit from our elected officials.
When will we confess that we have re-elected the same representative because he/she is “one of ours” and gives our little portion of the world more stuff? Do we look at the big picture? Have we even tried to look and see what those who are supposed to represent us are really doing?
I’m not saying that every representative in our country is a crook, but those who have been in power too long have realized that if they can figure out ways to stay in office they can have a pretty cushy ride with a heady dose of power and money, to boot!
How many of us can vote in a pay raise every year or so without asking the boss? How many of us have wonderful health insurance and life insurance benefits paid for by the boss and the boss doesn’t even know how much it costs, let alone what the policy looks like?
It’s about time that we, as the boss, the taxpayer, the bottomless purse, full of a seemingly, never-ending supply of money call our elected officials to account for their actions.
No more playing the blame game. No more pointing fingers and trying to pass the buck somewhere else. No, the buck must stop, and it must stop now!
How long do I have to accept a letter from my senator that tells me everything that he/she has done for me and completely disregards the questions that I have asked in my letters to them? How long do I have to have my senator send me a letter reassuring me that what I’m afraid will happen will never happen and now is happening!
Come on people! Now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to reassess those who represent us. Do they really represent our desires, our needs and our country first? Do they see themselves as gods on pedestals looking down on the peons who have foolishly placed them there for life?
Do we stand by and wait for our county to fall apart even more, as they squabble among themselves and totally ignore the ever widening crack in the armor of protection and responsibility in our country? Do they act like the gods in mythology who give no thought or care who dies or suffers as long as they are given ease and gifts?
I think it’s time for the “Clash of the Titans” to end and for “Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You” to begin.
Mary Mills
Berrien Springs