CNA training March 12 at Lake Michigan College

Published 12:32 pm Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lake Michigan College’s Workforce Training Institute is holding a free information session Friday, March 12 at 1 p.m. for those interested in its 128-hour certified nurse aide (CNA) training program. The information session will be held at the college’s M-TEC facility, 400 Klock Rd., Benton Harbor.

The CNA program is a state-approved curriculum that qualifies individuals to take the Michigan CNA Examination (exam not included as part of class). This program includes clinical experience and KeyTrain, WorkKeys and College and Career Essentials. Students will also complete components in American Red Cross first aid/CPR and preparatory work for the state exam.

CNA class sessions will be held April 5 through May 21 and June 7 through July 23. Cost of the program is $999 and includes books and scrub top, which will be distributed at the first class.

Those interested in attending the information session can pre-register online at or by calling Chad Dee at (269) 926-4296.