Trinity School to host comedy night March 20 in Berrien Springs

Published 11:26 am Monday, February 22, 2010

Trinity Lutheran Church and School in Berrien Springs will host  “Laugh It Up,” featuring comedian Kerri Pomarolli,” Saturday, March 20 at Trinity Lutheran School, 9123 George Ave., Berrien Springs.

“Good Christian Girl” Pomarolli brings her uplifting humor and comical musing of life experiences to Berrien Springs. Labeled as a “Christian Woody Allen” trapped in a 5-foot-2-inch frame, Kerri brings Godly principles into everyday experiences using her power of story and gift of comedy to draw audiences closer to God.

Doors open at 6 p.m. with live music by Trinity’s own praise band.  The performance begins at 7 p.m.

Cost is $5 per person in advance or $6 at the door. Child care is available for children age 3 through fourth grade. Registration is required. Handicap accessible facilities are available.

For more information, call the church office at 473-1811.