Edwardsburg educators learn new strategies in training

Published 1:28 pm Thursday, February 4, 2010

Edwardsburg Argus

Alternative education teachers within the Edwardsburg school district took a closer look at various elements of educational strategy in an effort to apply those practices to the classroom.

Teachers were visited by Margaret Hay, dean of students and academic support at Southwestern Michigan College.

“As we searched  for research based strategies to improve student achievement we learned that Hay provides training in a program titled “SIM (Strategic Instruction Model) at Southwestern Michigan College,” said Debra Cripe, assistant to the superintendent for academic services. “I contacted her to see if she would be willing to provide training for our teachers who work with students in an alternative learning setting.”

During the training, teachers were exposed to strategies that included word identification, self-questioning, visual imagery, inference, paraphrasing and fundamentals of paraphrasing and summarizing.

“She trained the team in the use of several learning strategies,” Cripe said. “And as a part of that course (Hay) is providing coaching, modeling and mentoring for our teachers.”

Cripe said the district has had a good working relationship with SMC in the past. Many students, she added, go on to earn credit through the college through their dual enrollment program and the district has a history of working with the college “to support student learning.”