The Old Rugged Cross Church Foundation to host ‘Hymn Sings’ on first Sunday of every month

Published 12:09 pm Monday, January 25, 2010

The Old Rugged Cross Foundation (ORCF) will once again sponsor monthly “Community Hymn Sings” at The Original Old Rugged Cross Church in 2010. The ORCF also has several other activities on tap for the year. All of the events are open to the public.

“We will provide additional details about each event as the time for it draws closer,” said Bob Shaffer, ORCF president. “We wanted to let people know the dates now so they can mark their busy calendars for these special opportunities.”

Community Hymn Sings are informal gatherings to sing classic, traditional hymns in the historic building where the just-completed hymn, “The Old Rugged Cross” made its public debut in 1913. Audience members choose which hymns to sing, from older hymnals provided by several southern Michigan churches.

The historic church (on Vermont Street in Pokagon) opens for informal tours at 5 p.m. on each Hymn Sing date. The Hymn Sings begin at 6 p.m., and last approximately 90 minutes. They provide an “up close” look at restoration progress, as well as an opportunity for a free will offering in support of additional restoration work.

Hymn Sings will be on the first Sunday of each month, beginning with May 2, and continuing on June 6, July 4, Aug. 1, Sept. 5, Oct. 3 and Nov. 7.  An additional Hymn Sing focusing on Christmas carols is planned for Dec. 5.

Other 2010 Old Rugged Cross events currently planned:
• Aug. 2-7: Information booth at the Cass County Fair.

• Aug. 16-21: Information booth at the Berrien County Fair.

• Sept. 19: Old Fashioned Revival Meeting and Church Dedication, at The Old Rugged Cross Church.

• Oct. 16: Fall Festival & Bake Sale (to benefit Old Rugged Cross Church and Garden), at Pokagon United Methodist Church on Kansas Street.

“We may create additional events as we get further into 2010,” Shaffer said, “so we urge everyone to watch for media updates.”

The ORCF manages the restoration of the historic church to its 1870s church appearance.  First up on the spring 2010 work schedule will be construction of a small rest room and dressing facility.  It will resemble a carriage house and will be a stand-alone structure because the original church did not include rest rooms.

Funds also are needed for ceilings and walls in the kitchen and upstairs Sunday School room, for a heating and air conditioning system, and to install a permanent replica roof, replica pews, and replica windows.

The restored Church will be a museum and location for special, scheduled Christian services, including weddings and funerals.

The ORCF’s colorful 2010 calendar, “It’s About the Journey!” is still available.  The foundation requests a donation of $20 or more for each calendar (plus $2 each if calendar will be mailed to purchaser).

The Old Rugged Cross Historic Site is in Pokagon, one block south of Pokagon Highway, just east of Highway M-51, halfway between Niles and Dowagiac. The site includes the half-acre Old Rugged Cross Memorial Garden.

For more information, or to schedule a group tour (beginning mid-April), contact the ORCF at (269) 683-4540; P.O. Box 41, Niles, MI 49120;; or visit