Berrien Regional Education Service Agency salutes its board

Published 12:39 pm Thursday, January 14, 2010

Berrien Regional Education Service Agency (Berrien RESA) salutes its school board members during January, School Board Recognition Month.  This year, more than 4,100 elected school board members will be recognized by 523 local and 57 intermediate school districts in Michigan for their untiring dedication to school governance.

“We’re proud of our Board,” said Jeff Siegel, Berrien RESA superintendent. “It is not often enough that we take time to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our elected trustees.”

School board members are charged with the responsibility to develop policies and make tough decisions on complex educational and social issues impacting the entire community.

“We also value their commitment to education,” added Siegel.  “When combined, our board members offer the community 90 years of Berrien RESA school board experience; an example of true dedication to our both staff and our students.”

The men and women serving Berrien Regional Education Service Agency and their years of service to the Berrien RESA Board are:

• Sharon Kalling, president, 32 years of service

• Cathy J. Bair, vice president, 24 years of service

• Tom Fanning, secretary, 15 years of service

• Linda Holt, treasurer, 16 years of service

• J. Allene Smith, trustee, three years of service