Katie Johnson: ‘Naked Lady,’ Palin on O’Reilly’s mind

Published 1:34 pm Wednesday, January 13, 2010

JohnsonThe hottest discussion on “The O’Reily Factor” Tuesday night wasn’t the new Fox analyst.

It wasn’t the Conan O’Brien/Jay Leno time slots, or even the climate convention “boondoggle.”

Nope, it was “Naked Lady.”

Ashland, Ore. resident Jen Moss, better known as “Naked Lady,” has stirred the O’Reilly pot with her flippant disregard for clothing, save for a hemp g-string and a smile. Not even a helmet is worn as she parades around the community. Moss has prompted the town to establish a nudity ban, to enter into effect next month.

The “Naked Lady” sightings began in 2008, even inspiring out-of-towners to expose themselves in the city. Standing behind the state’s stance that public nudity is protected in the form of protest “expression,” and along with the support of the ACLU, Moss pushes the boundaries as she parades around town. She reportedly moved to Ashland from California solely because of its lax nudity laws.

Gotta side with O’Reilly on this one. Moss isn’t merely making a statement or exercising her rights – she’s just being gross. Like it or not, we live in a society that wears clothes.

How much clothing we choose to wear or consider acceptable varies, but keeping genitalia covered should be mandatory, particularly when you consider the fact that underage children are in public places.

Although the story borderlines the “balloon boy” mess in terms of newsworthiness, at least it’s a matter of rights and not exclusively a staged event to garner attention.

In other political uselessness, what do you get when you put Al Sharpton and Ann Coulter on the same news show? A completely useless conversation with two polar opposite views on every issue, resulting in nothing but accusations, interruptions and pointless biased noise.

Any way, how about that Sarah P.? It will be interesting to see how much she affects Fox News’ viewership in the coming months, not to mention how her new gig as an analyst will either ruin or boost her political career.

Katie Johnson is managing editor of the Niles Daily Star, Edwardsburg Argus and Cassopolis Vigilant. She can be reached at (269) 687-7713 or at katie.john son@leaderpub.com.