Class reunion time this weekend in Edwardsburg

Published 12:09 pm Thursday, August 13, 2009

Friday, Aug 14, The Edwardsburg Class of 1969 will get together for dinner at The Matterhorn in Elkhart, have an informal get together Saturday, Aug. 15th at Lawless Park for its 40th and will host the All-Alumni Class Reunion Sunday, Aug 16 at The Edwardsburg Intermediate School. Call Sherry (Carr) Dannenberg at 663-3001 for more information or you see Kevin Claire at Lunker’s.

The Edwardsburg High School Class of 1956 Reunion Committee is putting together a class reunion at Four Lakes Country Club in Adamsville on Saturday, Aug. 15. There will be a buffet dinner, desserts and refreshments at the country club. Prior to the dinner classmates may socialize at the Robert and Judy Boepple home at 23718 North Shore Drive, Edwardsburg. Committee secretary is Judy Boepple and may be reached at (269) 699-5857 for more information.

The Edwardsburg all-school reunion is planned for 1 p.m. at the Edwardsburg Intermediate School on U.S. 12 in the Village of Edwardsburg on Sunday, Aug. 16.
Please bring a dish to pass, place settings will be provided.

Following the reunion, an ice cream social will be held at The Edwardsburg Historical Museum.