When is enough going to be enough?

Published 8:43 am Friday, January 16, 2009

By Staff
To the editor:
I am deeply concerned about the allegations that are coming out about some of President-lect Obama's choices for cabinet level and other appointed positions within his administration.
First we have Bill Richardson stepping down because he is under federal investigation for what's being called "pay to play" violations. Not good.
Then we have Hillary Clinton's husband Bill accepting tens of millions of dollars from Arab nations which have vowed to destroy western civilization.
The conflict is glaring and dangerous to say the least.
And now the potential head of the Treasury Department Tim Geithner "forgets to pay $34,000 in Social Security and Medicare taxes?" We should not have to accept having a man lead the IRS who cannot follow his own departments' rule of law.
This is a preposterous precursor to anarchy.
And, as if that was not enough, we have to concern ourselves with our new "global warming czar" Carol Brown's Socialist (read Communist) ties.
By the way, what exactly does a "global warming czar" do?
And what is her position on minus one degree weather in Michigan in January?
While all of this is going on, we sit on the sidelines watching Rahm Emanuel's easy skate away from the Blago fiasco?
But, of course, he has such a nice smile.
All of these people should be Republicans from Alaska so that our national media might investigate their inconsistencies with a fine-toothed comb.
Or maybe they should be ordinary citizens … then they could feel the full wrath from the laws that they break.
How much suspected crime in the highest offices of this country can we take before we put our country at grave risk, if we haven't already reached that flash point?
How much moral turpitude will it take before we put our country before "the party" or before particular men and women in the party?
How many of these shady details that keep getting unearthed is it going to take before we simply say enough is enough and we try to do something to stop blemished and suspect people from taking these high positions that have been offered to them, in this instance, by the most unprepared novice (with a suspect background of his own) who has ever been voted into the office of the U. S. Presidency?
We should be unwilling to accept any more shame brought upon us by people we should be able to trust, but can't.
We need to put a fast stop to these appointments and demand some answers, some transparency and some truth from our elected officials, now and forever.
And, yes, I know … the sky should always be blue as well.