It’s not that easy being green
Published 1:14 am Wednesday, December 24, 2008
By Staff
No amount of recycling, reducing our carbon footprints and conserving will ever appease the environmentalists.
Nothing short of returning to a fully agrarian society will please these Al Gore-worshiping blowhards because they support a cause where the solutions do not actually solve anything.
If we all recycle, use canvas bags at the supermarket, switch to those weird twisty light bulbs, pay all our bills paperlessly online and do whatever else the environmentalists ask of us nothing changes.
Even if we all buy a Toyota Prius for long trips, bicycle to work and spend our vacations sorting recyclables there will still be more to do because environmentalists lose their political power if any of these things actually work.
I base this theory on the fact that everyone now conserves a lot more than they ever did, yet nothing seems to make a difference. You never get a speech from Gore where he says, "Wow, 10 million people stopped using plastic bags, now there's more oxygen and the ozone layer got a little thicker."
You never hear that because it's not happening and while it's nice that we have a few less landfills than we would have, all our individual efforts apparently make very little difference.
To get me to put my plastic bottles anyplace other than the trash, the green folks need to show me even a small tangible result from that action.
I'm not looking for Los Angeles to turn sunny and smog-free anytime soon, I just want to see some evidence that any of this matters.
If taking a bunch of small steps does not add up to a large step, can I go back to running the water while I brush my teeth and leaving lights on in rooms I'm not in, but may go back to soon?
I'm not anti-recycling, or against conserving our resources, but as a fairly practical person, I'm against token gestures or raising a big ruckus over something that does not work.
Let the green movement show us the real science behind everything they ask us to do before we take one more carpool ride or shoot another dirty look at a store that dares to offer us a plastic bag. Realistically, most of the recycling efforts currently championed amount to little more than curing your hiccups but leaving your cancer untreated.
The little guy likes to think that his actions count, but me not making an unnecessary trip to the bookstore hardly matters when the auto industry still refuses to make a car that runs on a renewable energy source.
My napkin at Starbucks comes from recycled paper, while the dispenser at McDonald's doles napkins out individually. This might somewhat lessen my personal napkin-using footprint, but it seems a little silly when you see the parade of trash created by these establishments.
Environmentalism has become a lifestyle cult where the seeming importance of the cause trumps logic and reality.
I'll gladly help the environment if anything I could do would actually help.
Unfortunately, if we have an environmental crisis like Gore and his disciples want us to believe then, me not drinking bottled water simply won't make a difference. if we're all going down anyway, I'd rather go sipping scotch from a Styrofoam cup while being chauffeured in a Hummer throwing napkins out the window and tossing batteries at anyone who looks askance at me.
When he is not writing, Kline serves as general manager, of Time Machine Hobby New England's largest hobby and toy store.