Antlerless deer license period under way
Published 1:43 pm Wednesday, July 16, 2008
By Staff
LANSING – Department of Natural Resources wildlife officials want to remind hunters that as applications for antlerless deer licenses went on sale Tuesday, private land antlerless deer licenses for Upper Peninsula and northern Michigan deer management units will be included in the lottery this year.
All public land licenses are subject to the drawing as in the past.
"Last year, private land licenses in 10 deer management units in the Upper Peninsula and the northern Lower Peninsula were sold out by 5 p.m. the first day," said Rod Clute, DNR big-game specialist. "Including those licenses in the drawing is a more equitable way of distribution."
Applications for antlerless deer licenses may be purchased at all license dealers and online at
Hunters may apply for a single license, for either private or public land, for a single DMU.
Deadline for application is Aug. 15. Any leftover licenses will go on sale Sept. 17 at 10 a.m. Private land antlerless deer licenses for southern Michigan will be sold without an application beginning Sept. 8.
For the 2008 season, hunters may purchase up to five antlerless deer licenses, though no more than two can be from the Upper Peninsula and/or the northern Lower Peninsula, unless they are for DMUs in the seven-county special regulations zone where deer have tested positive for bovine tuberculosis.
Hunters also are reminded that a telephone number of a private landowner is required to purchase a private land antlerless license. However, there is no acreage requirement in 2008 for private land licenses.