Both riders and other drivers should use caution

Published 8:22 pm Friday, May 30, 2008

By Staff
With warmer weather and high gas prices we are seeing an increased use of motorcycles throughout our area.
The Michigan State Medical Society (MSMS) would like to remind those who are riding or near motorcycles to take extra care.
Inexperienced riders and those driving other types of vehicles who just don't seem to pay attention to motorcycles when out on the road can cause accidents.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motorcycles are the most dangerous type of vehicle to drive.
Here are some safety tips from the MSMS for both motorcyclists and drivers:
Be sure to know your bike and how to use it properly. Take a refresher course on motorcycle riding if you haven't ridden in a while.
Motorists have trouble seeing motorcycles. Always be visible by staying out of drivers' blind spots and make sure all lights are on and functioning properly.
Always dress for safety. Your protective gear, including a helmet that is Department of Transportation approved, is the only thing between you and the road.
Always be conscious of your surroundings. If you take your eyes off the road for even one second an accident can occur.
Assume a motorcycle is closer than it looks. The small size of a motorcycle may make it appear to be farther away.
Always double-check your blind spots. A motorcycle can be hidden or hard to spot.
Allow for a three to four-second distance between you and the motorcycle in front of you.
Check and double check for motorcycles when making a left turn or pulling into traffic.
If everyone takes a second to follow these safety tips, the road can be enjoyed by all.
Remember that you are not the only person on the road. Being aware of and courteous to others can make for a safe driving experience for all.