City Council making two commendations
Published 1:40 pm Saturday, May 10, 2008
By Staff
NILES – The City of Niles Council will meet at 5:55 p.m. Monday for a public hearing on the annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan, followed by the regular meeting at 6 p.m.
The CDBG provides funds for infrastructure, with the participation of the city. A certain number of jobs must be identified, with some going to low and moderate income individuals.
Two Citizen's Commendations will be made, to Feng Yan Lin and Michael Charles Clayton.
The council will also consider the following:
A request from Mount Calvary Baptist Church to hold their Annual Youth Day at the new Cass Street Park on June 7 and consideration of approving a small "kiddies" parade and temporary closure of Ferry Street between Sixth and Eighth streets and Cass Street between Sixth and Seventh streets, including the intersections.
A request to hold the Annual Arts in Motion event throughout downtown and consideration of approving various other requests for the event.
The city administrator will introduce the follow items for discussion:
1. Consideration of adopting a resolution to approve the extra millage needed to bring the millage rates to the maximum allowed by Truth in Taxation and consideration of setting a public hearing for 5:55 p.m. on June 9, 2008 to discuss the matter.
2. Consideration of adopting a resolution of support for application for the Local Bridge Program Funds needed for preventive maintenance work on the Lake St. Bridge.
3. Consideration of adopting a resolution to place a proposition for the stated Dial A Ride millage on the August 5, 2008 Primary Election ballot.
4. Consideration of adopting a resolution to place the question of the establishment and creation of a SMCAS Special Assessment District on the Aug. 5, Primary Election Ballot.
5. Consideration of approving the Entitlement Community Annual Action Plan and consideration of authorizing the Mayor to execute Certifications to remain eligible for Community Block Grant Funds.
6. Consideration of approving and adopting the proposed City of Niles Website Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.
7. Consideration of approving the appointment of Scott Clark to the Niles Housing Commission to complete the un-expired term of Barbara Meechum, effective immediately, and expiring on Dec. 31, 2012.