Borgess-Lee Hospital volunteers honored
Published 1:07 pm Friday, May 9, 2008
By Staff
DOWAGIAC – On April 30, Borgess-Lee Memorial Hospital held a special volunteer luncheon, honoring several individuals with the prestigious President's Volunteer Service Award.
Peggy Barkes received the highest level of recognition, earning the President's Call to Service Award for dedicating 4,000 volunteer hours to Borgess-Lee Memorial Hospital over her lifetime.
"Our volunteers have worked tirelessly to help insure we're meeting the needs of our patients and the communities we serve," said Joy Strand, administrator and chief operating officer, Borgess-Lee Memorial Hospital.
"We are pleased to be aligned with these important volunteer awards and are extremely proud of our volunteers for making our hospital a central part of their lives."
Sue McCormick, director of administrative services, added, "In 2007, our volunteers donated 4,388 hours of time to the hospital. The value of this time to our patients and our hospital is hard to over estimate."
The following individuals were honored at the luncheon for receiving the President's Volunteer Service Award:
Bronze Level (100-249 cumulative hours)
Martha Cox
Marge Kirsch
Mary Ownby
Gladys Smith
Silver Level (250-499 cumulative hours)
Harriet Abshagen
Cassandra Bennett
Pat Ganger
Mary Alice Giles
Jaskiran Kaur
Nancy McKay
Mary "Terri" Moore
Florence Radtke
Josephine Spichtig
Gold Level (500 cumulative hours)
Ann Biek
Betty Biek
Shawn Chennault
Mary Ciesla
Helen Eby
Virginia Edgerly
Carolyn Graham
Ritaclaire Kryst
Bernice Laymon
Wanda Leets
Patricia Mather
Barbara Moses
Charlotte Rak
Rose Runyon
Onnolee Van Husan
Janet Veach
Marion Weaver
Edith Willis
Darlene Winchester
Jean Zawacki
Lifetime (4,000 hours or more over lifetime)
Peggy Barkes
In his 2002 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush issued a challenge to all Americans to make time to help their neighbors, communities and nation through service.
He called on each person to dedicate at least 4,000 hours – or two years – to service over the course of a lifetime.
For more information on volunteering at Borgess-Lee Memorial Hospital, call Sue McCormick at (269) 783-3083.