Parade is more fun when you are participating
Published 8:55 am Tuesday, April 29, 2008
By Staff
Spotlight of the week:
If you love parades and enjoy making people smile then this volunteer opportunity is for you! The 102-year-old Blossomtime Festival has two parades where you can wear costumes and practice your best wave. The Youth Parade is Thursday May 1 in the late afternoon at St. Joseph High School where two lucky volunteers will play the roles of Captain America and Sponge Bob. On Saturday, May 3 is the big Blossomtime Parade attended by thousands. Eight volunteers should call now to get first choice of costumes. Would you like to be a clown or Darth Vader? Volunteers will need to arrive at the Benton Harbor Salvation Army by 9 a.m. to get into costume, including makeup. Volunteers should be comfortable interacting with children, at least 15 years old and love to be in character. Come be a part of the largest multi-community festival in the mid-west!
Spring is here! Are you looking for an excuse to hit the open road? Do you love to drive? Several organizations have opportunities for volunteer drivers on the Volunteer Center's web site CARES (Community AIDS Resource and Education Services) volunteers will transport clients to and from medical appointments on an as-needed basis in Berrien, Cass and Van Buren Counties. Senior Nutrition Services also utilizes drivers in all three counties, but is especially looking for volunteer drivers in the South Haven area. Help deliver meals to homebound seniors between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. once a month or more as your schedule allows. Both CARES and Senior Nutrition Services provide mileage reimbursement.
Do you love to learn and then share information with others? Safe Shelter will send you to trainings on domestic abuse and sexual assault so you can train Safe Shelter staff and volunteers. All costs will be assumed by the Safe Shelter. You should have excellent listening and public speaking skills to become a training assistant. You will need to use your own vehicle to attend trainings. You should also have the ability to give and receive effective feedback.
Are you passionate about helping individuals with disabilities be all they can be? July will be here before you know it and that means it is time to find corporate sponsors and solicit teams for Gateway's annual Softball Marathon. As a marketing volunteer, you will work flexible hours starting now with additional work closer to the time of the event. You can do some of the work at home on your own telephone and computer. A marketing background is helpful and knowledge of local business leaders is a definite plus!
Citizens for Better Care provides information and advocacy to enhance self-determination and the well being of long-term care consumers. As a volunteer Ombudsman, you will meet with nursing home residents to educate, empower, and advocate on their behalf. You can volunteer in either Berrien or VanBuren counties and must be free of any conflicts of interest. You will routinely visit assigned nursing homes.
Without intervention 70 percent of children with an incarcerated parent will also become involved in the criminal justice system during their lifetime. Help break the cycle by becoming a mentor to a child in need. The Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative (MPRI) program will connect you to these children in need through mentoring opportunities at Big Brothers/Big Sisters, HOSTS, or Y Uncles program.
Donate life saving blood today!
Saturday, May 17 – Buchanan Middle School, 610 W. Fourth St.: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For a complete listing visit