Kindly stay away from her dog

Published 8:08 am Saturday, April 26, 2008

By Staff
To the editor:
Now I have heard everything! I was walking my dog on the sidewalk of 14th Street by Niles High school at 3 p.m. when I was approached by a suited gentleman in sunglasses asking me to choose a different time to walk my dog because the high school kids are afraid of dogs.
My dog is a timid Cocker Spaniel who was rescued from an abusive home. She is not aggressive and has had no contact, confrontations or any problems with the students. These are 14 to 18-year-olds whose greatest fear is my timid Cocker Spaniel?
After contacting the Niles Police Department, I was advised that I have the right to walk my dog on the sidewalk of any street I wish, so to the gentleman who confronted me, I would like to respond: Remember me, the taxpayer, the next time you seek funding for any reason that benefits Niles High School, because I will be there to make sure taxpayers vote no. Furthermore, to the kids who are so afraid of my dog, I will spare you the fear by asking you to not walk by my house when she is outside.