Will Niles change its name?

Published 7:21 am Thursday, April 24, 2008

By Staff
To the editor:
Got the Niles Daily Star April 19 and on the front page it said, "what's happening downtown Niles." It made me feel sad for it showed a picture of our once beautiful Four Flags Hotel now named Renaissance with a big hole in the wall. I know Niles needs new businesses and its a new era, but don't the new owners know the history of our historical town, especially Four Flags Hotel?
First it was our Pawating Hospital name changed and now the hotel. They say not to worry, but will our town not seem modern enough or meet their fancy and rename it too?
The old ready Theater used to have all that shining brass on its doors, but look at it now. No one cleans it.
Thank you for letting me express my concern about our town.
A taxpayer of long standing.