I think it’s time to jump on the organic ship
Published 1:52 am Thursday, April 10, 2008
By Staff
The word organic is everywhere. If it's not in the food aisles, it's showing up in the cleaning sections.
Pretty soon, we'll see organic clothes, organic utensils and probably even organic shoes. Alright, well maybe not, but I'm sure someone somewhere has already started putting a plan together for that.
I've been doing some research on organic items lately. Actually, I'm not sure why I have even been researching it. I know it's better, I know it's healthier, I guess I just wanted to see how healthy it really is.
A lot of labels tend to "lie" especially when it comes to foods. Something can say "organic," but is it really, truly organic?
From the research I found, the majority of it is organic, so we should feel pretty safe. Although, some research showed that some companies do put a little tidbit of chemicals in their products. Again, this was just online research, so who knows.
One reason I want to go organic is because I was disgusted after finding out some of the additives and chemicals we consume when eat non-organic foods. Antibiotics have been a big concern lately, as some farmers pump their animals with them to promote the growth of their livestock.
I'm think I'm just ready for a change in my eating habits. I would say I'm like most people when it comes to eating. I love my healthy foods and always make sure I take my vitamins daily. I also make sure I eat some kind of vegetable for dinner and every morning, I have a banana for breakfast. Despite the good eating, I usually consume foods that defeat the cause of trying to be healthy. When I want a quick snack, I reach for chips or little snack cakes. And yes, I love my Taco Bell, but limit myself to once every few weeks. And I make sure I get something that has lettuce and tomato on it. I'm also a big sucker for pizza. I can't get enough of it. I try to make myself feel better by getting green peppers and onions on it, although I'm sure that does not make up for all the cheese and marinara. Oh well.
The only downfall to organic food is that it's slightly more expensive than regular food. But when it comes down to health, I think money shouldn't matter. I'll pay the extra $1 to eat clean, fresh lettuce grown in nothing but clean soil, rather than lettuce that is sprayed with who knows what.
I read an article on the reasons why it's better to go organic and I must say, I'm convinced.
On average, organic food contains higher levels of vitamin C and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and chromium as well as cancer-fighting antioxidants. With non-organic foods, these are lessened due to the chemicals used on them.
Organic food doesn't contain food additives which can cause health problems such as heart disease, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity. Amongst the additives banned by the Soil Association are hydrogenated fat, aspartame (artificial sweetener) and monosodium glutamate.
Government officials have said that organic is better for wildlife, causes lower pollution from sprays, produces less carbon dioxide – the main global warming gas – and less dangerous wastes.
If all that isn't enough to make you consider a change, give some sort of organic food a try. Chances are you will not only see the difference, but taste it as well.
My grandparents have always had their own garden and I must say their fruits and vegetables beat any store-bought produce by a landslide. When summer comes, I look forward to their tomatoes, sweet corn, green beans and potatoes. And the best part – I know the source and I know the food is clear of nasty chemicals and sprays. My grandpa counts on nothing but water and soil.
After jumping on the organic ship, I'm think it's time to look at ways of going green. Afterall, it's not just me having to worry about a healthy lifestyle, but I we need to think about the future as well.