Grade schoolers don’t ask tough questions?

Published 5:18 am Wednesday, March 19, 2008

By Staff
To the editor:
The other day one of the papers displayed a picture of our congressman addressing fourth, fifth and sixth grade students at a Brandywine school.
When Congressman Upton comes to the area, he does not set up a forum so adults can do the questioning.
It can turn to some tough questions. Such as:
Why he voted on a bill to limit the states to not pass regulations on food labeling that would supersede any federal ruling. This was done when a California ruling came down that would require the labels on food containers to show all ingredients and point of origin.
Why is he supporting the war in Iraq?
Why hasn't he acted in behalf of the people in his district when he is not upholding the Constitution?
What are his thoughts on outsourcing the building of the military tanker to a foreign nation?
What is he doing to correct the national debt and how are we going to pay for it?
Has he ever made a move to stop the wasteful spending in Iraq?
Has he ever called for an investigation on the wrongdoings of contractors connected to the Iraq war?
Has he ever invested in any of those companies that are making money from the war?
Health care, food cost, property cost, fuel cost and, finally, what has he done for us, the people in his congressional district?
Did any of the grade school children ask any of these questions?
I bet not a one.