Season leads to counting blessings
Published 7:04 pm Friday, December 28, 2007
By Staff
This time of year naturally lends itself to reflecting on our many blessings. It certainly makes me think about all the ways my life is blessed.
I am blessed by having a great family. My mother at 71 is strong and healthy, thank God. She is at the center of my family. She has such a terrific sense of humor and is such a friend to me. That's a true blessing, indeed.
I have been blessed with two brothers and two sisters and four nieces and three nephews.
Though they live in the South, a good time is had by all on the rare occasions we all are able to get together.
I am blessed by wonderful friends here in Niles, many of whom are like a second family for me. There's Marcy and Jerrid and Mary Ann and Jerry and Dorothy and David and Tammy and Mike and Judy and Nick and Willa Jean and many others on whom I depend and who make my life here very full.
For almost a year now, I have been blessed with a garage. Oh, how wonderful it is! I sold my beautiful little home on Oak Street last year and moved into a condominium in Niles Township. It took some getting used to, but I love it. Mostly, I love my garage! What a luxury. My little city lot was too narrow to add a garage. Otherwise, I would have lived in my cute little house forever.
I'm blessed because the young lady who bought my house appreciates my Oak Street house as much as I did
I hope it brings her as many happy, cozy nights as it did me.
I'm blessed every day to have my feline roommates Louie, Emma and Josephine. They bring true joy to my life.
Mostly, I have been blessed by the many wonderful people with whom I work every day. They are experienced and funny and productive and make life very interesting most of the time.
I'm blessed to live in this community. I love small-town life and we get to enjoy that in the small communities Leader Publications serves. However, we have so much more simply because of where we are located – Notre Dame, Lake Michigan, South Bend, Chicago. How cool is that?
As we prepare to ring in a new year, I hope you take time to take stock. On our worst day, we really have it pretty good.