Time spent reading to a child is never wasted
Published 2:35 am Wednesday, September 19, 2007
By Staff
Want to see a child's eyes light up – read them a story.
I wholeheartedly agree with our governor's declaration of September as Michigan Reads to Children Month. Not only does reading to a child help them develop their reading skills, the interaction is so valuable.
We encourage everyone who has a child, along with grandparents and even siblings, to take time to sit one-on-one with a child and read a book.
Area schools also encourage mentors, who come in each week to read with a child.
Governor Jennifer M. Granholm encourages everyone to take an active part in the Library of Michigan's one-state, one-children's-book program, Michigan Reads! featuring the book "Big Chickens" written by Michigan author Leslie Helakoski and illustrated by Henry Cole.
"Big Chickens" follows four timid chickens on a humorous romp through the woods, as they manage to overcome obstacles and ultimately conquer their fears.
"One of the very best gifts we can give our children is a love of reading," Granholm said. "Reading inspires the imagination, feeds the
soul, and strengthens the mind."
Michigan Reads!, which began in 2004, encourages the community-wide, "one book" programs. The program aims to promote the value and benefits of reading early and often to children, to encourage family bonding through reading and to increase awareness and usage of Michigan's libraries as excellent resources for learning.
Signing up for a library card is painless. After much procrastination, I finally did so this past weekend. I used to have one, but moving in and out of the county, I needed to go through the process once again.
Now I can not only keep a big supply of books handy, since television is worthless, I can also rent DVDs and books on tape.
Ever since my grandchild was born I have made a practice of bringing her a book when I come to visit. Sitting and cuddling with me as I read the new book is a great way to get reacquainted when visits aren't as often as I would like.
I am planning a week's trip up the Mississippi to Saint Paul, Minn. Books on tape are a good way to skip the frustration of trying to find a radio station to tune in as I travel from state to state.
When I get to my granddaughter's house I must have a book to include in her surprise package of additions to her costume box.
Unfortunately I didn't read to her father as much as I should have. When he was two, I had a five-year-old who demanded a lot of time and a new baby. I do remember reading to all my other children, who all now also share the love of reading.
In a way much different than a movie, a book can let your imagination take flight. Instead of seeing a popular actress or actor in a role, you can make the characters look however you would like.
Settings too can include whatever you like when you have no preconceived picture in your mind. I guess that is why I like books much more than movies.
So find a child and sit down and relax with a good book. I guarantee it will put a smile on both of your faces.