Seek fresh anointing for new challenges

Published 1:57 am Friday, September 14, 2007

By Staff
Life is full of changes and each change presents new challenges. God has provision for us to sustain us, encourage us, and to allow us to walk in victory.
Anointing is consecration or setting apart for a specific purpose. In a graphic sense, it is like christening the bow of a new ship as it is launched the first time. It is symbolic, yet meaningful. The anointing of God is much more purposeful.
When God gave instructions to Moses in the Old Testament book of Exodus for construction of the tabernacle, He gave the formula and the use of the "holy anointing oil" (Exodus 30:22-33).
This oil was used to anoint the tabernacle, the utensils of worship, and the priests. It was not for common use. We can assume the oil was used often as the tabernacle was moved from place to place, set up, torn down, the utensils used and cleaned, and the priests needing fresh anointing to perform their holy duties.
God told Samuel the prophet in 1 Samuel, chapter 16, verse 1, to take oil and go anoint David as king over Israel. When Samuel anointed David in verse 13 of 1 Samuel 16, David was king even though there would be long arduous years before he would sit on the throne.
David was anointed again by the elders of Israel in 2 Samuel, chapter 5, verse 3, when he became king over all 12 tribes of Israel.
David wrote of this in Psalm 92 as he praised God for His faithfulness. David said in Psalms, chapter 92, verse 10, "My horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil." David knew where he came from. God told David in 2 Samuel, chapter 7, verse 8, "I took you from the sheepfold, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people, over Israel." God did exalt David greatly and anointed him for the service set before him.
The oil is a picture of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit ministers grace which is God's provision for everything. There is no shortage of grace; there is abundant supply for every need.
We get a picture of this fresh anointing in Psalm 133. In verse 2, "It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments."
This anointing of God on our lives for His work through the Holy Spirit is not a neat little dab on the forehead; it is a deluge, dousing us with power and provision for whatever God brings our way.
We too quickly categorize things brought across our path by God as good or bad. We rightly enjoy the good, but too many times, something appraised by us as bad might be used by God more mightily than the good thing He gave us. It is more about our responses than anything else.
Rather than grumbling and stumbling through a bad circumstance, ask God for "the fresh oil" of grace to glorify Him through the tough times as quickly as we would ask for power to accomplish some new and exciting task put before us.
David knew God had exalted him. David also recognized the need for God's anointing for each new stage of the journey.
Somebody said, "There is one filling of the Holy Spirit, but constant anointing," meaning there is that one occasion upon salvation when the Holy Spirit takes up residence within us, but there is for us "the fresh oil" of grace ministered by the Holy Spirit.
D. L. Moody spoke of three tests in life: the first, poverty and obscurity; the second, prosperity and applause; and the third, suffering. We need fresh oil for all three.
The Rev. Dan Puckett is a minister with Life Action Ministries. He writes a weekly column for the Niles Daily Star.