Tips to help you avoid pesky bites

Published 1:46 am Thursday, September 13, 2007

By Staff
Tips for preventing mosquito-borne diseases
Avoid outdoor activity when mosquitoes are most active – dawn and dusk.
If you must go outdoors, be sure to spray yourself with a bug repellent with DEET.
Wear long pants, long sleeved shirts, socks and shoes.
Vaccinate your horses: Commercially available licensed vaccines against EEE and WNV are recommended for all horses in the U.S.
If possible, put horses in stables, stalls, or barns during the prime mosquito exposure hours of dusk and dawn.
Fix or cover holes in screens and doors.
Rid any standing water around your home or on your property.
Clean gutters and free them from debris.
Check flower pots for standing water. If there is water in the bottom, dump it out.
Report dead birds to your local health department to help track WNV and support community-based mosquito control programs.