Bringing Fido along for the ride

Published 11:54 pm Tuesday, September 4, 2007

By Staff
We have all seen it and some of us have even let our dog hang its head out of the window of our vehicle.
But this practice and others we do when traveling with our pets, might just be too dangerous.
Though they seem to like the breeze, at high speeds stones and dirt could become projectiles which damage our pets eyes or head.
We also have to remember how hot the inside of a vehicle gets quite quickly. We might think we are only going to run into the store for a minute, but with a line inside that minute could extend putting our pet in an uncomfortable and dangerous situation.
Sudden stops can send pets flying, which is why a carrier for cats and a harness for dogs are recommended.
Remember the need to give your pets some water, or ice chips and a chance to relieve themselves. You might want to limit food until you reach your destination.
Bringing a favorite toy or blanket can help relive their stress. Some animals take immediately to the road, those which don't chould be subject to distress.
Perhaps most important, if you value your animal, is to make sure they have identification on their collar, in case they escape in an unfamiliar area.
Also don't wait until you need one to have a photo of your pet, in case it gets lost. Bring the photo along on the trip.