Labor Day Trophy Tourney Aug. 31-Sept. 3

Published 9:44 pm Tuesday, August 21, 2007

By Staff
NILES – The Howard Township Conservation Club will host its 12th annual Labor Day Trophy Tournament Aug. 31-Sept. 3.
Here are the events:
Friday, Aug. 31 – 1 p.m.
500 Pair Doubles and 500 Handicap
Saturday, Sept. 1, 9:30 a.m.
100 Singles
100 Handicap
50 Pair Doubles
Sunday, Sept. 2, 9:30 a.m.
Singles Championship
100 Handicap
Monday, Sept. 3, 9:30 a.m.
Doubles Championship
Handicap Championship
No shooter may win more than one trophy in the same event. All options are one a percentage basis – not high gun. Tues for trophies will shoot off at the end of the day, options divide.
All scores, classifications, categories and options played for an event will be final 30 minutes after the last squad's score has been posted on the bulletin board. All information will be forwarded to the ATA as such.
Camping sites with water and electric are available at $10 per day. Call Ernie Lehman at (574) 232-1009 for reservations.
The club will open at 8 a.m. for classification and squadding. Call Ernie for pre-squadding requests.
The kitchen will be open for lunch. Sunday's roast beef dinner is $5 per person (bring a dish to pass).
Practice traps will be available on Saturday, Sunday and Monday at 9 a.m.