Column: Maybe I should have taken the advice
Published 9:54 am Friday, June 8, 2007
By Staff
A few weeks ago, I wrote a column about not being able to take it easy because I am a very competitive person.
My gripe then was the fact that I was told to "take it a little bit easier" while playing sports. Afterall, I am not getting any younger and the injuries will happen much easier as years go by.
I complained that I cannot take it easy. I am a very competitive person, so taking it easy just didn't seem to be an option.
Well, I am eating my words now.
I played a game of basketball – wait, I played about five games – with some friends earlier this week. It felt really good to get on the courts, especially with the intense workout basketball can give you. We played games of 21, which is an all-on-all game (you know, first person to 21 wins) and I wasn't playing with some ammateurs, I played with a few guys who really know how to play. This in turn, made me bring out my best game and play a little harder than I should have.
To make a long story short, while I was running (yes, running, not jumping, shooting or making some magnificent move), my ankle decided to give out on me. It just rolled to the side and – Ouch! Instant pain!
This has happened to me several times before, so I already knew what I had done. My problem was that I continued to play on it for a few minutes afterwards and was stuck that evening with a swollen ankle that I could barely walk on.
I will never forget the first time I did this. It was my freshman year in high school and I was on the volleyball court, playing a game in Kalamazoo. I went up to spike the ball and came down sideways on my ankle. I will never forget that pain and can still see my coaches face to this day. Her eyes were huge because she knew what I had done. The pain was so unbearable, I thought for sure I had broken it, especially because I heard a pop when I hit the ground.
I iced my ankle the whole bus ride back and had to go to the emergency room, where it was learned that I not only sprained my ankle, but tore some ligaments as well.
Ever since that day, my right ankle has been very weak. I can just be doing something as simple as walking down the street and it will just roll on me. Usually it doesn't hurt, and I can go back to whatever it was I was doing. But this time, it hurts!
So for the last few days, I have taken on the nickname of Limpity Limp, Gimp, Hobble Wobble and a few others I cannot mention.
I had a good laugh Wednesday at the police station. I had a meeting with an officer and while sitting in the waiting room, Kathie Hempel, our news reporter, came out of a room after an interview. I said hi to her and she gave me the funniest look and said "Oh, are you being arrested for playing bad basketball?" Thanks Kathie!
It was a good laugh though. But she got her paybacks for that comment when she found out her keys were locked in her car.
So, needless to say I have been nursing this ankle for the past few days. I am not one who can stand sitting still so this has not been fun. But I do know that if I don't take care of it, it will only take longer to heal.
I did play in my softball game last night though. I was warned not to, but I couldn't help it. I am a sports girl by heart and if I am around sports, especially when my team is playing, you can count on me doing whatever I can. I think I played a total of three innings.
I think I have learned a lesson from this and it's time to take care of myself. This will include wrapping my ankle every time I get on the court or the field.
Enjoy the weekend!