Volunteer opportunities abound this spring
Published 1:26 am Tuesday, April 24, 2007
By Staff
Southwest Michigan is a great place to live. Visitors come from Chicago land and from all over the world to see our beaches, parks, vineyards and towns. If you enjoy bragging about the area and like meeting new people consider volunteering this season at your local welcome center or chamber of commerce. Many museums, parks and downtown development groups also have these types of opportunities. You may give directions and information to visitors, work on distributing brochures, assist in developing new materials or assist in tracking data. There are many choices available seven days a week.
Are you fit for duty? Be Sheriff for the day and help the Muscular Dystrophy Association raise funds so local youth with neuromuscular diseases can attend summer camp. Your duties would include driving "jailbirds" to and from lock-up in Bridgman. As Sheriff you will drive the squad car provided on May 9 from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. for a four hour shift. You may even get a badge! Other events will be held on May 17 in St. Joseph/Benton Harbor, June 20 in Three Oaks/New Buffalo, August 9 in South Haven, and August 23 in Kalamazoo. Contact the Volunteer Center to connect.
Michigan Community Blood Centers' mission is to provide a safe and adequate blood supply. Volunteers 17 and older may choose from a variety of volunteer opportunities at area blood drives. Volunteers who enjoy making small talk can serve refreshments. These volunteers will receive training to help watch for any adverse reactions. Volunteers can also be involved by handling labels in preparation for blood donations or by preparing blood for testing and transportation. Training for both these positions is required. If you like to drive, are in good physical health and can lift 50 pounds, you can assist with transporting equipment, set up and break down of equipment and transporting blood. There are also periodic opportunities to help with clerical and other office tasks. Contact the Volunteer Center to connect.
Spring has Sprung! Celebrate new life by donating blood Today!
Wednesday, May 2 – Woodland Terrace Senior Living, 8850 Red Arrow Hwy. Bridgman: noon- 5:45p.m.
Tuesday, May 8 – Trinity Lutheran Church, 5791 Sawyer Road., Sawyer: 12:30 a.m.-6:15 p.m.
For a complete listing visit www.berrienredcross.org <http://www.berrienredcross.org/>
Thursday, May 3 – Bridgman High School, 9964 Gast Rd., Bridgman – 8 a.m.- 2:15 p.m.
Thursday, May 3 – Upton Middle School, 800 Maiden Lane, St. Joseph – 1 p.m. -7 p.m.
For a complete listing visit www.miblood.org <http://www.miblood.org/>
Usted habla espanol? Gateway- Milestones for Life provides therapeutic services and vocational training that supports the advancement, hopes, and dreams of disabled individuals of all ages. Gateway would like to improve their services to Spanish speakers by translating existing brochures and their guide to services. This work could be done at your convenience at home. Contact el Centro de Voluntarios to connect.
Do you love horses? The Therapeutic Equestrian Center north of Buchanan seeks to enhance the lives of people with special needs through horse related activities. As a volunteer Sidewalker you will attend lessons helping ensure riders maintain balance and safety. You will also help with clean up after the session. You should expect to commit to an eight week session of volunteer service for a minimum of one and a half hours a week. Lessons take place in the late afternoon and early evenings Monday – Saturday. Training will be provided by a North American Riding for the Handicapped Association instructor. You do not have to be a horse expert to help. Contact the Volunteer Center to connect.
USA Soccer Association, Midwest Region is hosting a soccer event in St. Joseph on June 14 -17. As a volunteer you can serve in a variety of ways by greeting guests, setting up, cleaning up, etc. If you would like to volunteer with this exciting event and meet people from around the country contact the Volunteer Center to connect.