Registration for 2007-08 school year under way

Published 9:41 pm Tuesday, April 3, 2007

By Staff
EAST LANSING – Registrations for individuals interested in becoming a high school athletic game official for the 2007-08 school year may do so exclusively online through the Michigan High School Athletic Association's Web site –
From April 2 until about June 1, the Association will conduct an exclusive online registration period for new registrants and renewals.
After June 1, applications will be accepted online, by mail, and on a walk-up basis in the MHSAA Office for the upcoming school year. The MHSAA Office has a lobby kiosk available for online registrations. Registrations for the remainder of the 2006-07 school year will be accepted in all manners through April 30.
Online registrants will receive a $5 discount off their processing fees, regardless of when they submit their application.
MHSAA registration fees are among the lowest in the nation. A $10 fee is charged for each sport in which an official wishes to register, and the online processing fee is $20. Officials submitting registration forms by mail or on a walk-up basis will incur a $25 processing fee.
Officials registered in 2006-07 will be assessed a late fee of $20 for registration after July 13. The processing fee includes liability insurance coverage of up to $1 million for officials while working contests involving MHSAA schools.
There is an officials' registration test, which is for first-time officials and officials not registered in the past year. The test consists of 75 questions derived from the MHSAA Officials Guidebook, which is available on the Officials page of the MHSAA Web site, and may be used during the open-book test.
Online registration can be accessed by clicking "Officials" on the Home Page of the MHSAA Web site.
More information about officials registration may be obtained by contacting the MHSAA at 1661 Ramblewood Drive, East Lansing, MI 48823. You may also call (517) 332-5046. or send an e-mail to